Honouring industry legends

Bill Mooney and Duncan McNeill Memorial Golf Tournament for Athol Murray College of Notre Dame recognizes oilpatch pioneers who were also best friends

Supporting education was always important to Stream-Flo Founder Duncan McNeill.

One institution that was particularly close to his heart was Athol Murray College of Notre Dame in Wilcox, Sask., a school known for its prestigious Hounds Hockey program.

In 2003, Duncan made a donation to the school so they could refurbish their arena.

It bears his name to this day. 

In further honour of Duncan’s philanthropic support of the school over the years, the Athol Murray College of Notre Dame Alberta Alumni Branch has named its annual fundraising golf tournament after him and a notable alumnus of the school.

A notable alumnus who would end up becoming a dear personal and professional friend of Duncan’s, Bill Mooney Sr.

The pair of late industry legends are immortalized next to one another in the Calgary Petroleum Club’s Pioneer Room, with Duncan bestowed the title of Oilpatch Builder, and Bill, Oilpatch Ambassador. 

According to sources, Duncan’s support of Athol Murray College of Notre Dame was instilled by an insistent Bill Mooney, with help from Gerry Maier. The latter, also an alumnus of Athol Murray College, and best known for being president and CEO of TransCanada Pipelines from 1985-94. Maier and his family were also next-door neighbours of the McNeills in the 1960s.

With the Mooney/Maier one-two punch providing the philanthropic propulsion, Duncan’s past generosity is now enshrined once more with the creation of the Bill Mooney and Duncan McNeill Annual Memorial Golf Tournament, which just wrapped its second year.

The tournament, held at the Cottonwood Golf & Country Club near De Winton, aims to raise money for its bursary program that helps both students seeking to attend post-secondary institutions in Alberta, or students in Alberta looking to attend Athol Murray College of Notre Dame.

A goal and cause both oilpatch legends would surely be proud to have their names attached to. 

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