SFUSA Kilgore Branch Manager Scott Ren happy to hop on the tools to help his customers and team out
It was early one Saturday morning when Kilgore Branch Manager Scott Ren dusted off his service tech hard hat as he geared up to install a production tree for a customer in East Texas.
He met his tech Chris Voight on location at 7 a.m., after Voight had grabbed a few hours of sleep after finishing up a late-night job the evening before.
“Chris coulda done the job by himself but it would have taken twice the length of time,” explained Ren about the install that Don Lane captured in photographs and has kindly allowed us to share. “The rig was in the process of moving off location and they wanted to get the tree on it as quick as they could, so they asked if we could do it and I only had one guy in, so let’s pony up.”

Stream-Flo Service Technician Chris Voight, left, and Kilgore Branch Manager Scott Ren work on installing a production tree for a gas storage well. (Don Lane)
As the leader of a small service team, Ren’s “get ‘er done” attitude when customers come calling is one that has strengthened our partnerships with companies in East Texas.
“When they know that they can make a phone call and we’ll get the job done with no hesitation on timing, it’s big,” he said. “We’re just doing what we gotta do to take care of the customer.”
A service tech in his past life, the Kilgore branch manager says getting the chance to get out in the field with his guys has also helped strengthen his bond with them.
“It shows my service techs that I’m not just somebody sitting behind a desk, that I can still do the work, and I know what it takes to do the work,” said Ren. “My guys know they can depend on me anytime they need me.”
Family first
Such a situation came up a couple months ago when one of his techs needed to deal with an urgent family matter. Ren told them to head home and that he would take their spot.
“Their family’s first,” stated Ren.
At the helm of our Kilgore branch since July 2022, Ren has deeply enjoyed witnessing the progression of his tight-knit team over the past two-plus years.
He says the atmosphere they’ve created in that time has been extremely positive too, and it’s one he looks forward to coming into every day.
“I love it,” said Ren. “We cut up, the shop guys, the inventory folks, the warehouse folks, we all just cut up and laugh. It’s a good place to work.”
Choosing to be happy
Making it a good place to work is another area where Ren has led by example, this time with his mindset.
“I wake up every morning and just tell myself that I’m going to be happy today,” explained Ren. “That’s just something that I’ve learned over the last few years, I figure if I’m happy, the folks around me will be happy.”
With Ren approaching each day with a contagious work ethic and positive spirit, the former service tech says he enjoys his opportunities to get out in the field as it keeps him on his toes, while building greater trust with his group.
“I like being out there with the guys, it shows ’em that, like I said, it’s not just a guy sitting behind the desk telling them what to do,” said Ren. “I’m not scared to get my hands dirty too.”
He sure isn’t, and if any of his techs need him to step up or step in, they know they can count on him, just as Ren does on all of them.
“I can depend on all my guys, and they can depend on me. I think that’s a big part of being a leader.”
Ren, left, and Voight continue away on the production tree underneath a big East Texas sky. (Don Lane)
Job done, Voight begins packing up the gear. (Don Lane)
Our tree stands tall after the successful install. (Don Lane)