Red Deer

Service and Distribution Facility

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    Your strategic central AB energy solutions provider

    Our Red Deer Service and Distribution facility was established in 1988.

    Newly constructed in 2007, with over 10,700ft² located on a 3.8-acre site, this facility serves as a distribution point for rental frac services and offers a complete line of new and remanufactured wellheadsgate valvescheck valves, and ESDs, as well as Master Flo choke valves.

    This facility is strategically located in central Alberta to quickly and efficiently serve the surrounding western Canadian oil and gas industry. We are proud to be ISO 45001ISO 9001 and API 6A and 6D certified, with quality and value driving all that we do.


    • Complete line of new and remanufactured wellhead and gate valve inventory suitable for the region
    • Complete line of check valves, emergency shutdown systems (ESD), and Master Flo choke and control valve inventory
    • Distribution point for rentals and frac heads
    • Customer Property (warrantied)
    • Remanufactured equipment (warrantied)

    Service Capabilities

    • Wellhead and facility integrity maintenance programs
    • Shop and in the field testing and greasing capabilities
    • 24-hour sales and service support for all Stream- Flo Industries products
    • Wellhead assembly, test, and painting
    • Hydrostatic testing and charting to 15,000 psi
    • Wellhead and gate valve repair
    • Comprehensive, customized customer property inventory tracking and reporting system

    Field Service Capabilities

    • Service vehicles consisting of grease/ full bore units to picker trucks with electric and pneumatic tools to accommodate wellhead installation, valve service and other general oilfield services
    • Strategically located for quick service requests
    • Grease skids capable of plant turnaround valve maintenance
    • Grease pumps and toque wrenches are standard on every unit going into the field
    • Wellhead/gate valve greasing maintenance
    • High-pressure side entry and lubricators

    Contact Info


    268 Burnt Park Drive
    Red Deer, Alberta
    T4S 0K7

    Phone: 1-403-346-2550
    Fax: 1-403-347-2022

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